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University of Seoul held 「2023 ISUS Policy Sharing Conference」

구재연 | 기획과 | DATE : 2023-08-24
University of Seoul held 「2023 ISUS Policy Sharing Conference」

- A place to share the examples of Seoul’s excellent policies and International School of Urban Science

- About 120 invitees and urban officials from 22 different countries participated, including the secretary of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction of Cambodia

University of Seoul(President Yongkul Won), International School of Urban Sciences(ISUS, Dean Shin Lee) held ‘2023 ISUS Policy Sharing Conference’at the Natural Science Building Conference Hall on August 21st.

International invitees and urban public officials(ISUS graduates) from 22 different countries participated and shared the examples and current issues about global urban problems, with Seoul’s excellent urban policies and the learning from ISUS.(Participating countries: △Cambodia △Myanmar △Sri Lanka △Poland △Bangladesh △Serbia △Brazil △Indonesia △UAE △Vietnam △China △Uzbekistan △Georgia △Tajikistan △Ethiopia △Turkiye △Nepal △Papua New Guinea △Ecuador △Mongolia △Rwanda △ Ghana)\

photos of the conference

H.E. Dr. P en Sohpal, the secretary of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction of the Royal Government of Cambodia, made a keynote speech for the conference, and experts from various institutes participated as a session panelists, including Korea Research Institute of Human Settlements, the Seoul Institute, Seoul Metropolitan City department of International Development Cooperation, Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development Corporation, and CityNet.

The conference consisted of a total three sessions of presentations and discussions. Graduates of ISUS made a presentations and discussed ‘Cooperation for Sustainable Urban Development’ for the first session, and the second and third Sessions dealt with the topic of ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Planning and Development’, ‘Sharing examples and learnings from ISUS.’ 

It is expected that the conference would help finding the University of Seoul’s contributions to the global society and current issues from cooperative cities of Seoul Metropolitan cities, so that promote mutual development of each others by further policy sharing.

photos of the conference

Meanwhile, University of Seoul established ISUS in 2013 and has made a continuous efforts to manage the professional programs of urban planning and development, and nurture global urban experts to enhance the networks between the cities. Given that many sister cities that ISUS graduates came from participated in the conference, it would make a crucial role to mutual policy cooperation and strengthening future networks.

Shin Lee(Dean of ISUS, University of Seoul) said“University of Seoul is the only public university in Korea, and taking the lead of international exchanges for the development of Seoul and global cities.” She also mentioned,“Through this conference, University of Seoul would contribute to improve cooperation between cities and nurture global urban experts.”